Ultimate Guide

Introduction Carpet moths can cause significant damage to your carpets and other fabrics. Identifying and eliminating them promptly is crucial to maintaining a clean and moth-free home. This guide will walk you through the identification process, prevention methods, and effective elimination techniques.



  1. Appearance
    • Adult Carpet Moths: Typically small, about 1/4 inch long, with brownish-gray wings. The wings often have darker spots or patterns.
    • Larvae: Cream-colored with a brown head, usually found in hidden areas of carpets and fabrics.
    • Eggs: Tiny and white, often laid in clusters on fabrics or carpets



How to get rid of Carpet Moths in High Wycombe

  1. Signs of Infestation
    • Holes in Carpets and Fabrics: Irregular holes in carpets, clothing, or upholstery.
    • Silken Cases: Larvae spin silken cases or threads as they move, which can be found in infested areas.
    • Shed Skins: Larvae shed their skins as they grow, leaving behind small, translucent castings.



  1. Regular Cleaning
    • Vacuuming: Frequently vacuum carpets, rugs, and upholstered furniture to remove eggs and larvae.
    • Laundering: Wash fabrics, especially woolen items, regularly at high temperatures.
  2. Proper Storage
    • Sealed Containers: Store off-season clothing and fabrics in sealed plastic containers or bags.
    • Cedar Products: Use cedar blocks or sachets in storage areas to repel moths naturally.
  3. Reduce Humidity
    • Dehumidifiers: Use dehumidifiers to keep humidity levels low, as carpet moths thrive in humid environments.
    • Proper Ventilation: Ensure good airflow in storage areas and rooms with carpets.


  1. Chemical Treatments
    • Insecticides: Use insecticides specifically labeled for carpet moths. Follow the instructions carefully and treat all affected areas.
    • Moth Traps: Set up pheromone traps to attract and capture adult moths, preventing them from laying eggs.
  2. Natural Remedies
    • Diatomaceous Earth: Sprinkle diatomaceous earth on carpets and fabrics. It’s a natural powder that dehydrates and kills larvae.
    • Essential Oils: Use essential oils like lavender, eucalyptus, or neem oil. Dilute with water and spray on infested areas.
  3. Professional Help
    • Pest Control Services: If the infestation is severe, consider hiring professional pest control services. They have access to stronger treatments and can ensure thorough eradication.



  1. Regular Inspections
    • Check carpets, rugs, and stored fabrics regularly for signs of moth activity.
  2. Consistent Cleaning
    • Maintain a routine of vacuuming and laundering to keep your home moth-free.
  3. Protective Measures
    • Continue using preventive measures like cedar products and proper storage techniques to avoid future infestations.

By following this guide, you can effectively identify, prevent, and eliminate carpet moths, ensuring your home remains clean and fabric damage-free. Stay vigilant and maintain a regular cleaning and inspection routine to keep these  insects at bay.

Please contact Milton Keynes Pest Controllers for professional moth treatments today.


Stop Carpet Moths in Milton Keynes